Disclaimer: This is in no way going to be done to the level of my previous Live Results. No pictures, no Vines, no Tweets. For I shall be going to the Breaking Baws PPV night at The Ark. This show has SOLD OUT, so come join us at The Ark in Glasgow to watch Money In The Bank 2011 if you can. If not, check out this post on Sunday as fear not - I shall be getting txt results from the event and will endeavour to keep you all updated. Just not as glamorously as previous events.

Live Results
I'll be getting these results via txt on the night and updating mobile-y. Don't expect fancy stuff, just the results. Keep checking back on Sunday to find out what happens, or come meet me at The Ark to find out in person ;)
PROMOS: Jackie Polo challenges Sweeney in two weeks. Jester comes out through the crowd, interrupting ICW Worldwide to say he challenges Drew. Talks about how Drew was his best friend since he started wrestling and how he always wanted to be a wrestler. Upset at what Drew said and did at Shug's. ICW title means everything to Jester and Drew will not be able to just walk in and take it away.
Match 1: Dame pins Lewis Girvan. A fast start with Girvan delivering a dropkick off the apron and then 3 or 4 suicide dives. Damo throws him off the railing. Girvan impressed the crowd. Also, Damo offered Girvan his hand, which Lewis refused.
Match 2: David Devlin pinned Joe Hendry. James R Kennedy tries to get a chair involved, the distraction allows Devlin to get the roll-up. Hendry then attacks Kenny Williams.
pins David Devlin. Then attacks Kenny.
PROMO: The NAK come out. Chris Renfrew says he enjoys watching Jester lose his mind. Darkside says he wants a fight and "Wolfgang" comes out (really BT Gunn dressed up as Wolfy). Renfrew then invites Liam Thomson out and says that Carmel and Thomson have an opportunity to join the NAK. Thomson turns him down however, Darkside makes some horrid remarks about Carmel, leading to Darkside v Thomson.
Match 3: Darkside pins Liam Thomson, grabs a fistful of tights in the process.
Intermission: Mark Dallas announces the October Tour of o2 arenas in England - Newcastle, Liverpool, Leeds and Birmingham.
Match 4: Mark Coffey pins Kenny in the Zero G title match. The humiliation of Kenny continues as Kennedy dares Kenny to hit him, and forces the young man to hold the rope and curtain open for Joe Hendry.
Match 5: Nikki Storm pins Viper.
Match 6: Irn Jew defeat The NAK to become new ICW Tag Team champions. During the match, Darkside came out to attack Irn Jew, however Wolfgang made his return and sent BT Gunn running. Colt Cabana hit Renfrew with the GTS, Grado then hit the Wee Boot for the pinfall victory.
(Thank you very much to everyone who contributed, even with the slight mistakes (how many people heard Manchester instead of Newcastle? I got like four reports of it being Manchester!!), especial thanks to Adam and Paul.)
Let's launch right into a wee preview, shall we? As announced last week, the team of Grado and Colt Cabana (henceforth known as Irn Jew) were enraged at The NAK crashing their party, and have challenged for the NAK's tag team belts. Presumably this will be BT Gunn & Chris Renfrew, but who knows - maybe Dickie Divers will get involved and we'll see some new champions!
PREDICTION: The team of Divers & Gunn lost to Irn Jew
Up next we have rising star Kenny Williams getting a shot at Mark Coffey's Zero-G Championship. I love Kenny, as do most of the audience, but I just can't see Mark Coffey ("the REAL ICW champion") losing here. Still, stranger things have happened. This is an excellent clash as Kenny's star has been consistently on the rise for almost a year now, and in that same time-frame Mark Coffey won the Zero-G title (besting ICW Heavyweight Champion Mikey Whiplash in the process, hence the moniker) and defended against all comers, save for a loss to Fergal Devitt which he avenged in style by beating both Devitt and Noam Dar at the same time to regain the belt.
PREDICTION: Mark Coffey retains, probably with shenanigans
"Global Hero" and "Freak Of Nature" Joe Hendry has been making a literal song and dance about his prestige on the UK circuit and international exposure from appearing on WWE TV. David Devlin (aka "Yum Yum") has also made himself noticed in ICW since making the transition from referee to wrestler. He sparked the ire of Mikey Whiplash, resulting in a sadistic "baptism" at The Goggles They Do Nothing. Returning to Studio 24 to face Chris Renfrew at Up And Atom, Devlin again suffered a horrendous beating from one of ICW's premier destructive forces. Proving he can tangle with the worst of them, hopefully the more finesse stylings of Joe Hendry will give Devlin a shot at stealing a victory early in his ICW wrestling career.
PREDICTION: David Devlin snatches the victory
A battle of the women takes place as Nikki Storm faces Viper. Nikki was last seen in ICW in December, teaming with Carmel to defeat The Owens Twins, but perhaps more famously she will be remembered for besting Leah Owens at last year's Edinburgh show, Dave's Not Here, on her crusade to rid wrestling of deplorable behaviour. Viper appeared twice for ICW last year, in a hard-hitting battle with Bete Noire and then teaming with Bete at October's Fear & Loathing. With several Fierce Females shows upcoming, and Viper due to appear at the next ICW Glasgow event "Spacebaws", both women will be wanting to make their name again with the ICW crowd.
PREDICTION: Viper to win.
I was under the impression that ICW Heavyweight Champion Jack Jester was to defend his title against the winner of the 4-way last week, which was The NAK's Darkside, but it has yet to be officially announced. If so:
PREDICTION: Darkside wins, Renfrew cashes in, MAYHEM
Finally, Lewis Girvan faces Damo in an incredible mis-match. The young Girvan has had three appearances in ICW over the years - being put out of the 2nd Annual Square Go, being defeated by Grado in singles competition back in May 2013, and then again in a comedic 6-man tag match around this time last year. Damo, is, well, Damo. He looks like he has worn boots larger than Lewis, and was last seen flying from the top rope performing a VanDAMOnator onto a steel chair onto Joe Hendry's face. Girvan will need to dig deep to topple this man mountain.
PREDICTION: Damo to get the win

Live Results
I'll be getting these results via txt on the night and updating mobile-y. Don't expect fancy stuff, just the results. Keep checking back on Sunday to find out what happens, or come meet me at The Ark to find out in person ;)
PROMOS: Jackie Polo challenges Sweeney in two weeks. Jester comes out through the crowd, interrupting ICW Worldwide to say he challenges Drew. Talks about how Drew was his best friend since he started wrestling and how he always wanted to be a wrestler. Upset at what Drew said and did at Shug's. ICW title means everything to Jester and Drew will not be able to just walk in and take it away.
Match 1: Dame pins Lewis Girvan. A fast start with Girvan delivering a dropkick off the apron and then 3 or 4 suicide dives. Damo throws him off the railing. Girvan impressed the crowd. Also, Damo offered Girvan his hand, which Lewis refused.
Match 2: David Devlin pinned Joe Hendry. James R Kennedy tries to get a chair involved, the distraction allows Devlin to get the roll-up. Hendry then attacks Kenny Williams.
pins David Devlin. Then attacks Kenny.
PROMO: The NAK come out. Chris Renfrew says he enjoys watching Jester lose his mind. Darkside says he wants a fight and "Wolfgang" comes out (really BT Gunn dressed up as Wolfy). Renfrew then invites Liam Thomson out and says that Carmel and Thomson have an opportunity to join the NAK. Thomson turns him down however, Darkside makes some horrid remarks about Carmel, leading to Darkside v Thomson.
Match 3: Darkside pins Liam Thomson, grabs a fistful of tights in the process.
Intermission: Mark Dallas announces the October Tour of o2 arenas in England - Newcastle, Liverpool, Leeds and Birmingham.
Match 4: Mark Coffey pins Kenny in the Zero G title match. The humiliation of Kenny continues as Kennedy dares Kenny to hit him, and forces the young man to hold the rope and curtain open for Joe Hendry.
Match 5: Nikki Storm pins Viper.
Match 6: Irn Jew defeat The NAK to become new ICW Tag Team champions. During the match, Darkside came out to attack Irn Jew, however Wolfgang made his return and sent BT Gunn running. Colt Cabana hit Renfrew with the GTS, Grado then hit the Wee Boot for the pinfall victory.
(Thank you very much to everyone who contributed, even with the slight mistakes (how many people heard Manchester instead of Newcastle? I got like four reports of it being Manchester!!), especial thanks to Adam and Paul.)
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